Selasa, 14 September 2010

Halal bihalal - A famous humanist Dr Omar Khayam (late), said that the breakthrough acculturation Fitri tradition of Javanese culture and Islam. Wisdom of the scholars in Java is able to fuse the two cultures for the sake of harmony and prosperity. Lebaran tradition that eventually spread to all parts of Indonesia, and involving people from different faiths. To determine both the cultural acculturation, we first examine the global profile of Islamic culture. In Islamic countries in the Middle East and Asia (excluding Indonesia), after the Muslim Eid salat there is no tradition of shaking hands en masse to forgive each other. There is only a few people sporadically shook hands as a sign of intimacy.

According to guidance from the teachings of Islam, forgiveness is not set time after completing the Muslim fasting of Ramadan, but any time after a person was doing wrong to others, then he should immediately apologize to the person. Allah even more appreciative of someone who gives forgiveness to others (Qur'an Surah Ali Imran verse 134).

Culture sungkem
In Javanese culture, a person "sungkem" to older people is a laudable act. Sungkem degree of humility rather than symbols, but rather indicate the main behavior. Sungkem purpose, first, is as a symbol of respect, and secondly, as an apology, or "nyuwun ngapura". The term "ngapura" seems to derive from the Arabic "ghafura".

The scholars in Java seems to want to realize the true purpose of Ramadan fasting. In addition to increase faith and piety, also hoped that his sins in the past be forgiven by Allah SWT. Someone who feels sinned against God Almighty can directly ask forgiveness of Him. But, if all sins could be erased if he is still guilty to relax on the other he has not apologized to them?

Well, here's where the scholars had the idea, that on the day of Idul Fitri with that between one another to each of these errors to forgive each other, which was then carried out collectively in the form of lawful gatherings. So, called Idul Fitri day, because fasting has wide (finished), and his sins have been dissolved (removed).

From the description on the face can be understood, that follows the tradition of lawful gatherings during Idul Fitri is a blend of elements of Javanese culture and Islamic culture.

History halal bihalal
History of the origin there are several versions of lawful gatherings. According to a source close to the Palace of Surakarta, that the tradition of lawful gatherings initially pioneered by KGPAA Mangkunegara I, the famous Prince Sambernyawa. In order to save time, energy, thoughts, and cost, then after the Eid prayer meeting between the King with the leaders and soldiers simultaneously in the palace hall. All courtier and soldier with the orderly conduct sungkem to the king and the empress.

What was done by Prince Sambernyawa was later imitated by Islamic organizations, the term kosher gatherings. Then government agencies / private sector also held a lawful gatherings, which covers residents from different faiths.

Up to this point have been lawful gatherings serve as a meeting of all members of society. And with the event to forgive each other, the relationship between communities become more familiar and full of kinship.

Because kosher bihalal have a positive effect for the harmony and intimacy citizens, hence the tradition of lawful gatherings need to be preserved and developed. More on this lately in our country the social conflicts which often occur due to a conflict of interest.

Meaning of Eid
There are three notions of Idul Fitri. Among the scholars who interpret the Eid there with a return to chastity. This means that after a long train of Ramadan Muslims purify themselves physically and spiritually, and with the hope also of his sins forgiven by Allah SWT, then enter the Lebaran day, they have become sacred and unseen.

There is interpreted by returning to the Eid Fitr, or religious instincts. This is in accordance with the Qur'an Surah Al-Baqarah verse 183, that the purpose of fasting is for people who do become righteous or increased quality religiusitasnya.

Others interpret the Idul Fitri by returning to the state in which Muslims are allowed again to eat and drink during the day as usual. Among experts in Arabic, meaning it is considered the third best time.

Of the three meanings, we can conclude that in entering the Muslim Eid is expected to reach the inner and outer purity and increase the quality religiusitasnya. One characteristic of the religious man is to have concern for the fate of the miserable. In Surat Al-Ma'un paragraph 1 -3 mentioned, is a lie when someone claims of religion but does not care about the fate of orphans. The mention of orphans in this paragraph is a representation of the people are miserable.

Therefore, we could understand, that Muslims are obliged to give tithe to the poor, and giving alms at the latest before the implementation of Eid prayers. This rule is intended, so that when Muslims are capable of festive fun to celebrate Eid, lest any poor people are sad, or to cry, because nothing is eaten.

Harmonization of the religion of Islam strongly emphasize the relationship between the rich and the poor. Rich people are required to spend zakat mal (wealth), to be distributed to eight asnaf (group), among which are the poor.

From the description on the face can be concluded, that the Eid al-Fitr is the culmination of a method of mental education that lasted one month to realize the profile of a holy man physically and spiritually, have a diversity of high quality, and maintaining harmonious social relations

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