Arsip Blog

Sabtu, 04 Desember 2010

Takut Tua, Tom Cruise Pakai Kosmetik Istri

VIVAnews - Siapa yang tak kenal dengan Tom Cruise . Aktor ini terkenal sebagai bintang yang piawai berakting dan juga wajah tampannya. Dikaruniai wajah tampan membuat aktor ini melesat menjadi idola.

Tetapi, seiring dengan bertambahnya usia, kerutan-kerutan mulai menghiasi wajah suami Katie Holmes ini. Menjadi tua membuat pria ini mengalami krisis percaya diri. Ia pun diam-diam menggunakan kosmetik istrinya.

"Dia panik melihat perubahan di wajahnya, uban di kepalanya. Dia mulai menggunakan kosmetik Katie yang mahal seperti krim, pembersih dan dia menyukai hasilnya," kata sumber seperti dikutip dari National Enquirer , Kamis 2 Desember 2010.

Satu alasan yang membuat ayah dari Suri Cruise ini rela melakukan itu semua. Tom tak ingin terlihat tua. Ia ingin wajahnya selalu terlihat muda sehingga ketampanannya bisa terus terpancar di wajahnya tersebut.

Bahkan, tak jarang aktor 'Top Gun' ini memakai alas bedak sebelum tampil di depan publik. Ia ingin terlihat tetap tampan di sisi sang istri yang memang lebih muda darinya itu.

Tak hanya Tom yang melakukan langkah tersebut. Sahabatnya, David Beckham juga pernah mengakui jika dirinya sering menggunakan krim milik istrinya, Victoria Beckham. Tetapi, itu tak berlangsung lama karena pesepakbola ini membeli sendiri krim yang tepat untuk wajahnya. Beckham mengaku harga krim tersebut sangatlah mahal. (pet) Baca juga: Bocah Ini Minum Viagra Untuk Bertahan Hidup

sumber :

Bobol, Foto dan Video Seks 50 Artis Top — Sepasang hacker atau peretas dari Jerman berhasil membobol komputer 50 artis top dunia melalui virus Trojan. Para hacker itu diduga telah mengambil musik terbaru yang belum dirilis, kartu kredit, e-mail, dan gambar telanjang para artis tersebut.
Polisi melacak keberadaan dua peretas berusia 17 dan 23 tahun itu, dan menangkapnya setelah para peretas membual di internet terkait dengan keberhasilannya. Diduga, para peretas itu telah mengambil lagu-lagu terbaru dan video seks bintang terkenal, seperti Lady Gaga, Rihanna, dan Justin Timberlake
Para peretas itu juga menghadapi tuduhan pemerasan setelah berhasil mengantongi berbagai koleksi foto dan video seks para bintang top dunia tersebut. Dua peretas asal Duisburg, Jerman, itu mengakui kesalahannya di depan polisi setempat.
Penyelidikan dan pengembangan kasus ini melibatkan FBI dan Federal Police Service Jerman.
Sven Kilthau dari Universal Music Jerman yang bertanggung jawab atas publisitas bintang Lady Gaga dan Rihanna, mengatakan, kekhawatirannya. "Ini benar-benar menakutkan, seseorang tidak bisa merasa aman di mana pun berada," katanya, seperti dikutip Telegraph, Kamis (2/12/2010)
Polisi mensinyalir, kedua peretas menerobos komputer para artis top dunia itu dengan memanfaatkan virus Trojan, kemudian menguasai dan mengacak-acak isi komputer.
Bahkan gambar telanjang penyanyi Amerika Serikat, Kesha, telah diambil dan kemudian dipakai untuk memeras. Beruntung, Kesha (24) batal mengirim uang tebusan.
Tuduhan yang lebih bahaya, pasangan peretas itu telah mengambil lagu-lagu terbaru yang belum dirilis untuk kemudian dijual secara ilegal kepada produser gelap, alias pembajakan yang mendahului launching. Bisa dibayangkan berapa besar kerugiannya.
Kejahatan dunia maya ini telah membuat takut para manajemen yang mengelola publikasi para artis top dunia karena khawatir hal-hal sangat pribadi bisa dipulikasikan tanpa sepengetahuan pemiliknya, selain hak cipta mereka dilanggar. (Widodo)

sumber :

Rabu, 17 November 2010

t=v1+v2 , Cara meningkatkan traffic dan popularity dengan cepat dan alami.

Mohon baca baik-baik lalu terapkan dengan benar…. Sebuah filosofi mengatakan “Honesty is The Best Policy (Kejujuran adalah politik/strategi terbaik)”, inilah yang akan kita buktikan….apakah konsep kejujuran bisa kita olah menghasilkan traffic dan popularity yang lebih hebat dari konsep rumit para expert webmaster atau pakar SEO..?…
Saya yakin bisa asal konsep ini di jalankan dengan benar…,bila ini di terapkan pada web Anda sesuai ketentuan maka:
  • Web Anda akan kebanjiran traffic pengunjung secara luar biasa hari demi hari, tanpa perlu repot-repot memikirkan SEO atau capek-capek promosi keberbagai tempat di dunia internet.
  • Web Anda akan kebanjiran backlink secara luarbiasa hari demi hari, tanpa perlu repot-repot berburu link keberbagai tempat di dunia internet.
Jika Albert Einstein memakai persamaan e=mc² untuk menggabungkan potensi masa dan kecepatan cahaya untuk menghasilkan energi nuklir yang luar biasa itu, maka kita akan memakai persamaan t=v1+v2 untuk mnggabungkan potensi web saya dan web Anda untuk menghasilkan traffic dan popularity yang luar biasa pula.
Jika Einstein menggunakan atom plutonium dan uranium untuk membuat bom nuklir, maka kita menggunakan Kejujuran dan Ketepatan untuk membuat bom traffic dan popularity ini.

Selasa, 16 November 2010

One Time, Justin Bieber Lyrics

Eenie Meenie Lyrics: "Justin Bieber Eenie Meenie lyrics in the My World 2.0 Album. These Eenie Meenie lyrics are performed by Justin Bieber Get the music video and song lyrics here. Eenie, meenie, miney, mo Catch a bad chick by her toe If she holla If, if, if she holla, let h"

Me plus you, I'm a tell you one time
Me plus you, I'm a tell you one time
Me plus you, I'm a tell you one time
One time, one time

When I met you girl my heart went knock knock
Now them butterflies in my stomach won't stop stop
And even though it's a struggle love is all we got
And we gonna keep keep climbing to the mountain top

Your world is my world
And my fight is your fight
My breath is your breath
And your heart

And girl you're my one love, my one heart
My one life for sure
Let me tell you one time
(Girl, I love, girl I love you)
I'm a tell you one time
(Girl, I love, girl I love you)

And I'm a be your one guy
You'll be my number 1 girl
Always making time for you
I'm a tell you one time
(Girl, I love, girl I love you)
I'm a tell you one time
(Girl, I love, girl I love you)

You look so deep, you know that it humbles me
You're by my side, them troubles them not trouble me
Many have called but the chosen is you
Whatever you want shanty I'll give it to you

Your world is my world
And my fight is your fight
My breath is your breath
And your heart

And girl you're my one love, my one heart
My one life for sure
Let me tell you one time
(Girl, I love, girl I love you)
I'm a tell you one time
(Girl, I love, girl I love you)

And I'm a be your one guy
You'll be my number1 girl
Always making time for you
I'm a tell you one time
(Girl, I love, girl I love you)
I'm a tell you one time
(Girl, I love, girl I love you)

Shanty right there
She's got everything I need
And I'm a tell her one time
Give you everything you need down to my last dime

She makes me happy
I know where I'll be
Right by your side
'Cause she is the one

And girl you're my one love, my one heart
My one life for sure
Let me tell you one time
(Girl, I love, girl I love you)
I'm a tell you one time
(Girl, I love, girl I love you)

And I'm a be your one guy
You'll be my number 1 girl
Always making time for you
I'm a tell you one time
(Girl, I love, girl I love you)
I'm a tell you one time
(Girl, I love, girl I love you)

Me plus you, I'm a tell you one time
Me plus you, I'm a tell you one time
Me plus you, I'm a tell you one time
One time, one time

how to change Blog color text

1. first, go to "Design" > "Template Designer" > "Advances" > klik "Page"

2. then change the color at side! and done!

how to add music to your blog

want to make cool and interesting blog! add music to your blog so the more attractive!
1. first, click here

2. then select category at sidebar!

3. Browse artists by category

4.  click the artist name
5. then copy the code!

6. go to the "Design" at the top right corner

7. click "add gadget" > HTML/JavaScript Add > paste 

8. then click "Save" then "View Blog"

9. congrats if you succes!

Premiere Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows: Part 1, at London

                                            Daniel Radcliffe, Emma Watson, Ruper Grint

Helena Bonham Carter, as Bellatrix Lestrange
                                                  Tom Felton, pemeran Draco Malfoy.
 JK Rowling
 Harry Potter Fam
 Daniel Radcliffe
                                                                                                      Bonnie Wright, pemeran Ginny Weasley.
 Rupert Grint
                                                                         Emma Watson
                                                       Ralph Fiennes, as Lord Voldemort.

Senin, 15 November 2010

Daniel Radcliffe stolen Harry Potter's glasses

Do not want to lose precious objects, Daniel Radcliffe's Harry Potter stole the glasses on the set of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. Not meant nothing, he thought it was the glasses character memories memories.
"I stole the glasses! Actually they gave it to me. I asked them," said Radcliffe joked, quoted from Digital Spy.
Not just glasses, Radcliffe was also saved two glasses from his first film, Harry Potter And The Sorcerer's Stone.
"I have one pair longer than the first film. Eyewear is very small for the size of my head right now. And the last glasses is that I wear in this film. They were in a very safe place. Certainly not in my house," said Radcliffe.
For your info, film Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows Part I stayed counting the days. This film will be released 19 November 2010. Be patient waiting!

Minggu, 14 November 2010

Discovered,Oldest Dinosaur Embryos

VIVAnews - by paleontologists, or referred also to the fossil expert, recently identified the world's oldest dinosaur embryo. It was presented in the Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology.

Embryos of more than one, found in eggs and is still well maintained. Age is estimated according to the era where dinosaurs still roam, about 190 million years ago.

Researchers said that, until now, the embryo is an embryo of the oldest land vertebrates. Then, what kind of dinosaur that has the oldest embryos that?

Massospondylus, one giant ancestor of the group prosauropod, plant-eating dinosaurs. Quite easily recognize the sauropods. He has four legs, long neck and tail.

Professor Robert Reisz of the University of Toronto Mississauga along with several colleagues is the inventor of the embryo. They found him in the middle analyze egg fossil found in South Africa. At that time, Assistant Reisz, Diane Scott, directly observed with a microscope capable of high which is compiled with illustrations.

"I'm sure no one else is doing this work before," said Reisz. Embryos found his team are still well maintained and has a complete reconstruction framework and its detailed anatomy.

From these findings, embryonic Massospandylus known to have nearly eight inches long, four-legged, relatively long neck, large head is not proportional. In contrast, adults have a long fossil Massospandylus 16.5 feet, his head is relatively small, long-necked, the possibility to walk only with two legs.

With these findings, it can be concluded while that when the embryos are mature, neck and spine is growing faster than the front legs and head.

"This project opens a new window on the early history and evolution of dinosaurs," says Reisz. "Prosauropod is the first dinosaur that has a wide diversity. They are also easily scattered into groups, so that their biology is very interesting to study because it represents the beginning of the life of dinosaurs in ancient times," said he said. (MSNBC)

VIVAnews - A number of paleontologists, or referred also to the fossil expert, recently identified the world's oldest dinosaur embryo. It was presented in the Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology.

Embryos of more than one, found in eggs and is still well maintained. Age is estimated according to the era where dinosaurs still roam, about 190 million years ago.

Researchers said that, until now, the embryo is an embryo of the oldest land vertebrates. Then, what kind of dinosaur that has the oldest embryos that?

Massospondylus, one giant ancestor of the group prosauropod, plant-eating dinosaurs. Quite easily recognize the sauropods. He has four legs, long neck and tail.

Professor Robert Reisz of the University of Toronto Mississauga along with several colleagues is the inventor of the embryo. They found him in the middle analyze egg fossil found in South Africa. At that time, Assistant Reisz, Diane Scott, directly observed with a microscope capable of high which is compiled with illustrations.

"I'm sure no one else is doing this work before," said Reisz. Embryos found his team are still well maintained and has a complete reconstruction framework and its detailed anatomy.

From these findings, embryonic Massospandylus known to have nearly eight inches long, four-legged, relatively long neck, large head is not proportional. In contrast, adults have a long fossil Massospandylus 16.5 feet, his head is relatively small, long-necked, the possibility to walk only with two legs.

With these findings, it can be concluded while that when the embryos are mature, neck and spine is growing faster than the front legs and head.

"This project opens a new window on the early history and evolution of dinosaurs," says Reisz. "Prosauropod is the first dinosaur that has a wide diversity. They are also easily scattered into groups, so that their biology is very interesting to study because it represents the beginning of the life of dinosaurs in ancient times," said he said. (MSNBC)

Sabtu, 06 November 2010

male voice same with shakira

I know. I missed the news. and when I typed "Shakira" in Google!I saw a male voice sound exactly like shakira!and when I watch his video on youtube! Swear its Same! I know because I'm a fan of Shakira from 7 years old! Everyday i listen all shakira song

Kamis, 04 November 2010

Keith Richards: 'Stones akan mengadakan tur pada tahun 2011'

The Rolling Stones berencana untuk menghantam jalan pada tahun 2011, meskipun rumor bahwa mereka telah pensiun dari tur sama sekali.
"Semua orang sudah siap untuk pergi ke sana lagi," kata gitaris Keith Richards BBC 6 Music. "Siapa bilang itu harus berhenti, dan yang mengatakan kapan?"
"Hanya kita akan tahu ketika datang berakhir, dengan berhenti menerjang," tambahnya.
terakhir tur dunia The Rolling Stones 'memperoleh $ 558m (£ 344m), namun dilaporkan menjadi band terakhir setelah beberapa tanggal ditunda karena kesehatan yang buruk.
Kaki Eropa dari tur Bigger Bang ditunda pada tahun 2006 saat Richards menjalani operasi otak, setelah jatuh secara luas melaporkan dari pohon kelapa.
Dia kemudian mengatakan insiden itu telah dibesar-besarkan, NME mengatakan: "Aku sedang duduk di sebuah semak [dan] saya kebetulan jatuh itu cara yang salah".
Berbicara pada peluncuran otobiografi barunya, Hidup, 66 tahun mengatakan kepada BBC Stones juga bersiap-siap untuk merekam materi baru.
"Setelah bertahun-tahun ini bekerja bersama-sama, kami memiliki banyak hal yang belum selesai untuk bekerja pada bahwa kita harus meninggalkan dari album terakhir.
"Dan mengetahui Mick, seperti yang saya lakukan, dia seorang penulis yang sangat produktif. Saya punya ide yang [terlalu] dan kami akan menempatkan mereka bersama-sama pada Desember atau Januari.
"Kami melihat ke depan untuk bekerja."

Asperger syndrome

is an autism spectrum disorder that is characterized by significant difficulties in social interaction, along with restricted and repetitive patterns of behavior and interests. It differs from other autism spectrum disorders by its relative preservation of linguistic and cognitive development. Although not required for diagnosis, physical clumsiness and atypical use of language are frequently reported.

Asperger syndrome is named after the Austrian pediatrician Hans Asperger who, in 1944, described children in his practice who lacked nonverbal communication skills, demonstrated limited empathy with their peers, and were physically clumsy. Fifty years later, it was standardized as a diagnosis, but many questions remain about aspects of the disorder. For example, there is doubt about whether it is distinct from high-functioning autism (HFA)
 partly because of this, its prevalence is not firmly established. It has been proposed that the diagnosis of Asperger's be eliminated, to be replaced by a diagnosis of autism spectrum disorder on a severity scale.
The exact cause is unknown, although research supports the likelihood of a genetic basis; brain imaging techniques have not identified a clear common pathology. There is no single treatment, and the effectiveness of particular interventions is supported by only limited data. Intervention is aimed at improving symptoms and function. The mainstay of management is behavioral therapy, focusing on specific deficits to address poor communication skills, obsessive or repetitive routines, and physical clumsiness. Most individuals improve over time, but difficulties with communication, social adjustment and independent living can exist and continue into adulthood. Some researchers and people with Asperger's have advocated a shift in attitudes toward the view that it is a difference, rather than a disability that must be treated or cured

sumber :

Puisi anak Mentawai

bencana ini!
dan bencana bencana lainnya
seperti layaknya pengemis
pengemis yang meminta
kesadaran manusia

manusia yang selalu merasa kuat
padahal kekuatannya
tak seberapa
dengan yang Maha Kuat!

manusia yang selalu bangga
bangga akan dosa dosanya!

ya Allah!
penjara kan aku dalam AjaranMu
pasung aku dari godaan Mu

Senin, 01 November 2010

Adding Pages in your Blog (like Home , Profile , About us etc.)

first click "New Post"

Edit Pages > Create a Page

then write the name like Home . Profile . About us and etc.and Publish page

go to Design > Page Element > Add a Gadget > Pages clik Edit . if done Save

then place it in the Header or Footer

click Save and Done! Congrats If Successful

Adding Facebook Comment Box For Blogspot

Minggu, 31 Oktober 2010

Who's Tracing article from your blog?

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Senin, 18 Oktober 2010

Angklung So the World Cultural Heritage in November

Bandung (ANTARA) - Traditional music Angklung Instrument will be confirmed as one of the world cultural heritage or a "World Intangible Heritage" by UNESCO in November 2010

He said, with a patented angklung by UNESCO as world
cultural heritage, then there will be no other countries who claim (claim) angklung.

In addition to the security and angklung recognition as world cultural heritage, will also be impacted economically.

Angklung crafters will benefit by getting many orders angklung from within and outside the country.

Justin Bieber Hitting Small Child

According to reports, the singer of the song "Somebody to Love" - which held a show in Vancouver on Tuesday (12/10) - arrived in the entourage of 14 people in the place. Staff members told the CBC that the star was followed on and were targeted during the game

TMZ stated Justin - who were photographed at the center on Friday (15/10) - bullied and ridiculed.

A member of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police told, "On Friday, around 17:30 local time, we received reports that a boy who allegedly attacked 12-year-old at entertainment venues in Richmond. The little boy suffered minor injuries and not required treatment. We will continue the investigation. "

No other details released today, the police spokesman said

Sabtu, 16 Oktober 2010

Kanye West Plans Sale Nude Photos

 Rapper Kanye West's half-naked photographs herself, then sent on a number of women, and now the pictures were sold.
According RadarOnline, as quoted by Showbiz Spy, one of the photos show naked breasts West. He wore sunglasses and gold chains. Meanwhile, the second photo shows the West exposed genitals through his pants.

"These photos have spread ever since he got the attention of many women on MySpace. He might send it to many women," said a source.

West recently admitted intend nude photos as part of his desire to break the rules of hip-hop.

"Like Bjork, if she wanted to nude photos, you'll say, 'Oh, that's Bjork." If I want to nude photos, people will attract all kinds of things. I really feel, even though many years later, when I worked for two years, I would be nude photos, "said West

Swiss dig longest tunnel

The workers dug tunnels in Sedrun, Switzerland, cheered happily as he lit fireworks. They celebrated the successful drilling of the last Gotthard Base Tunnel, the longest tunnel construction project in the world. Excitement that happens on Friday, October 15 last, when the giant drill bit broke through the last layer.

The length of the tunnel is about 57 kilometers. Cost about U.S. $ 10 billion or around Rp90 trillion, the Gotthard Base Tunnel will link high-speed railway network in Europe and scheduled to be operational by 2017 to come.

Jumat, 15 Oktober 2010

10 Indonesian Film will be show in Denmark

Garin Nugroho, Indonesia and nine films selected present at the Indonesian Film Festival that was held Embassy in Copenhagen in collaboration with Art Consultant / Festival Director Torsten Hvas, Danish Film Institute, Danish Center for Cultural Development

Ambassador to the Kingdom of Denmark, Abdul Rahman Saleh said in his speech said the Indonesian film festival that was held the first time aims to introduce the film Indonesia's rapid development in Denmark. In addition, while Indonesia's cultural diversity is reflected in the choice of films to be broadcast.
n Addition to the above two films, the films selected from Various genres That aired During the two weeks since May. 6 Including  "Opera Jawa" . "Perempuan punya Cerita" . "The Blue Generation" . "Pintu Terlarang" . "Arisan" . QUICKY EXPRESS and JANJI JONI

Kamis, 14 Oktober 2010

Lindsay Lohan Trying to Escape From Rehab Center

Lindsay Lohan once again acting up. Even this time the actress has not stopped the action when he was in rehab. This time, Lohan
trying to escape from the Betty Ford Centre for the can of soda!

Lindsay Lohan once again acting up. Even this time the actress has not stopped the action when he was in rehab. This time, Lohan tried to get away from the Betty Ford Centre for the can of soda!

According, girl trouble-maker was caught while trying to escape from Betty Ford, Rancho Mirage, California, with one other patient.

When asked, it turns out Lohan tried to reach the Eisenhower Medical Center, which is not far away, so he could get his favorite can of soda, Coca Cola, from a machine.

Lohan was almost successful, but is hampered because of his clothing caught in the fence. "Linsday and 'co-conspiracy' were forced to surrender and they were brought down by a volunteer who is across the field that rehab center with a golf cart," said a reliable source.

A pair of young men back in good condition, in-dekafeinasi, and must attend the meeting which will discuss their works.

At the Betty Ford rehabilitation center where Lohan is trying to cure drug and alcohol dependence is indeed no canned beverage vending machine, because it's a few luxuries such as caffeine, telephone, and television is strictly prohibited

Brad Pitt House

 New homes often require the owner to adapt over time to really 'mengenal'nya. Recently, Brad Pitt experienced the same thing when he had forgotten his new home in Budapest.

This happened when he tried to return home after leaving for several affairs. Motorhome F800nya new BMW, Pitt turned toward a house he thought was his temporary home in Hungary.

Pitt was then looks confused when he was not allowed to enter. Fortunately, there is a photographer who 'save'. This photographer approached her and told lover Angelina Jolie is that her house was located a few houses after that.

It's known, Pitt himself had just moved to Hungary following the mother of 6 children who will become director of the film is set during the Bosnian war.

Apparently the paparazzi is useful too huh?

Rabu, 13 Oktober 2010

Matt Lanter fails so Edward cullen

Matt Lanter is much loved in the 90210 girls apparently still not looking for a producer Twilight Saga, who was looking for actors for the character Edward Cullen.

When the show on the Hallmark TV channel to show "Whatever with Alexis & Jennifer", Monday (11/10), Jennifer Koppelman Hutt, host of the show, Matt asked, "Have you ever tried to 'Twilight'? For the role as Edward Cullen? "

"Yes, actually I've tried," Matt replied.

So, why the 27-year-old actor who had failed to get a handsome role eventually won by Robert Pattinson is?

"Yes, he said I was not 'quite handsome and charming'," explains Matt.

According to Alexis Stewart, was also host of the show was, "You're much more handsome than him (Robert Pattinson), perhaps because of it you do not get that role." what about you?

sumber :

Selasa, 12 Oktober 2010

Baby Born from Frozen Embryos 20 Years

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, NEW YORK - In the United States, a 42-year-old woman gave birth to a healthy baby boy. Babies born from embryos frozen for almost twenty years. Unprecedented birth of a child from embryos frozen for so long. So the magazine Fertility and Sterility Monday (11/10).

Babies born in May last. The Jones Institute for Reproductive Medicine, Eastern Virginia Medical School in Norfolk to handle this case. Doctor Sergio Oehninger has over ten years of caring for the mothers who experience infertility.

Frozen embryos nineteen years and seven months produced another couple who do not want to be named, and stored at the institute.

Senin, 11 Oktober 2010

Francois "Kalau Saya Kaya" bule gila!

The man named Francois. Born and lived in France, but the horrendous world of cyberspace Indonesia. Excited, because she sang the song with a funny-speaking Indonesian. The song was uploaded to the virtual world.

see the video klik di sini

Java Rockin Land 2010 Jakarta Indonesia

Gudang Garam Java Inter Music Rockin Land held again at Carnival Beach, Ancol, Jakarta, Friday through Sunday (8-10/10) night. The festival, highlighted by dozens of bands in and outside the country has featured some headliners such as The Smashing Pumpkins, Stereophonics, Mutemath, Wolfmother, Stryper, Arkarna, and so forth.

Kelly Jones from Stereophonics. This band from Wales to produce maximum sound.
Ollie, vocalist Arkarna, endlessly grateful to the enthusiastic crowd greeted the band from Australia.

Arkarna vocalist had the audience taking pictures with his mobile phone from the stage, and upload the picture on his Twitter account.

Jumat, 08 Oktober 2010

20 Most Influential Women Youngest Forbes Version

1. Lady GaGa (24)
2. Danica Patrick (28)
3. Serena William (28)
4. Beyonce Knowles (29)
5. Gisele Bundchen (30)
6. Venus Williams (30)
7. Chelsea Handler (35)
8. Angelina Jolie (35)
9. Stephenie Meyer (36)
10. Heidi Klum (37)
11. Rachel Maddow (37)
12. Ratu Rania Al Abdullah (40)
13. Sheryl Sandberg (41)
14. Carla Bruni-Sarkozy (42)
15. Rachel Ray (42)
16. Jing Ulrich (43)
17. Marina Berlusconi (44)
18. Tory Burch (44)
19. Sallie Krawcheck (45)
10. Sarah Jessica Parker (45)

Lady Gaga

Pop star 24-year-old who just moments ago stating that he is the reincarnation of her aunt who had died was also reportedly spent 30,000 pounds to an electromagnetic field detector to detect the region around the Gaga. Not to mention the £ 40,000 to hire a chemist from NASA.
Of course, not a difficult case for GAGA to spend all this ghost eviction costs, given the normal GAGA spend money in large quantities, including £ 500,000 to hire a private jet used to send all the equipment and costumes. And of course, the biggest, the castle in England which will soon be bought.

Rabu, 06 Oktober 2010

kembali seperti semula

akhirnya kita bisa kembali tertawa seperti dulu! ngomong sama sama lagi! setelah 6 bulan yg lalu kita putus  dan semenjak itu boddo diemin jelek! denger boddo ketawa itu aja udah buat jelek senang banget! meskipun sekarang kita cuma temenan! boddo jelek masih cinta boddo! kita sama sama mencintai tapi kenapa harus pisah? terlalu indah untuk dilupakkan :D apapun yang terjadi "JELEK akan selalu mencintai "BODDO"

Minggu, 03 Oktober 2010

Kepulauan Seribu, Jakarta Indonesia

This unique area made up of hundreds of small islands (hence so exaggerated 'Thousand Islands'), is a must for divers from Jakarta. Of the various islands, some of the famous Big Island kotok, kotok Island Small, CoralHunchback, Sepa Island and Island Pantara.
Pulau Seribu is easy to achieve, you just need to hire a speedboat from Marina or boat fishing from one of the ports. Only about one or two hours from Jakarta, you will be able to dive as much. Some of the larger islandsprovide better accommodation class resorts and villas, but you need to rent a boat to reach the small islands - where the reefs are beautiful!

Kepulauan Seribu, Jakarta

Selasa, 28 September 2010

Pulau Bintan,Riau, Indonesia

Maybe this is the island's most easily reached from outside Indonesia, where the diving is only one hour from the noise of Singapore. The island has white sandy beaches stretch along the 18 km with a rich marine life, and a variety of dive sites for you to enjoy.

Not far from the coastline to the north, there are a small canyon as deep as 8 meters with a flat base, ideal for your first time to learn scuba diving. Another unique place is the location of the wreck, you can explore the remains of an old tanker that sank many years ago in the depths of the sea.

Kamis, 23 September 2010

Bunaken, Sulawesi Utara

This place is famous dive sites that have an international reputation is better than the other, consisting of small islands such as Pulau Sialdoen, Ganga, Mantehage, Nine and an old mountain in the middle of the sea, Manado Tua. Snorkeling anddiving is very popular here with more than sixteen point dive spread across an area of islands. Bunaken has grooves as deep as 30 feet, housing a variety of species of fish and other marine life. Shark sightings are common, so be careful!

Senin, 20 September 2010

festival Krakatau

Krakatau Festival is an annual festival held in Lampung, was held to celebrate the volcanic island of the same name, Krakatoa. Mount Krakatau erupted in 1927, the eruption was then produce a new small islands, named Anak Krakatau.
During the festival, visitors can enjoy variety shows like Tuping Carnival (Carnival Mask Lampung), attraction of elephants and various dances from Lampund and the surrounding city. The end of this series of events was a visit to the volcanic island, was still active but was sleeping soundly. For a while!
Taking a half day or a full day excursion on holiday or between conferences is always a wonderful introduction into a new destination, whether to a City like Jakarta to see its landmarks, learn about its history and culture or enjoy its natural surroundings. A day trip around Bali is an experience not to be forgotten, where one begins to understand what makes Bali such an unforgettable destination. Or get away from your five star hotels in Bintan Resort to see the simple fishing villages and visit historic Penyengat island across Tanjung Pinang. Take a seat in a coach offered by travel agents, hire your own car or bike through the country side. There is much to see and experience in Indonesia.

Yogyakarta, Indonesia!

Jumat, 17 September 2010

ku tulis ini saat tersedih
menunggu dirimu yang tak bersalah
terpisahkan karna keadaan
selamat tinggal cinta pertama
mengisi waktu ku, memberi rasa
tak terlupakan

tak mudah ungkapkan dengan hati
saat senyum dan tangis menyatu
tapi ini terbaik untukku dan untuk dirimu
hanya waktu yang mampu mengerti
betapa berat perpisahan ini
semoga cerita cinta ini
menjadi kenangan indah nanti
pelukan ini untuk dirimu
adalah pelukan dari hatiku
terakhir kali

hanya waktu yang mampu mengerti
betapa berat perpisahan ini
semoga cerita cinta ini
menjadi kenangan indah nanti

I write this while grieving
waiting for you that were never wrong
separated by time
good bye my first love
complete my life
gives a sense that I could not forget

not easy to explain
when the smiles and tears into one
i believe this is the best for me and you
only time will understand how serious this parting
I hope this love story
be a beautiful memory someday
this hug for you
This is my hug from my deepest heart
which for the last time

Selasa, 14 September 2010

wayang (indonesian culture)

Wayang kulit, shadow puppets prevalent in Java and Bali in Indonesia, are without a doubt the best known of the Indonesian wayang. Kulit means skin, and refers to the leather construction of the puppets that are carefully chiseled with very fine tools and supported with carefully shaped buffalo horn handles and control rods.
The stories are usually drawn from the Ramayana, the Mahabharata or the Serat Menak.
There is a family of characters in Javanese wayang called Punakawan; they are sometimes referred to as "clown-servants" because they normally are associated with the story's hero, and provide humorous and philosophical interludes. Semar is the father of Gareng (oldest son), Petruk, and Bagong (youngest son). These characters did not originate in the Hindu epics, but were added later, possibly to introduce mystical aspects of Islam into the Hindu-Javanese stories. They provide something akin to a political cabaret, dealing with gossip and contemporary affairs.
The puppets figures themselves vary from place to place. In Central Java the city of Surakarta (Solo) is most famous and is the most commonly imitated style of puppets. Regional styles of shadow puppets can also be found in West Java, Banyumas, Cirebon, Semarang, and East Java. Bali produces more compact and naturalistic figures, and Lombok has figures representing real people. Often modern-world objects as bicycles, automobiles, airplanes and ships will be added for comic effect, but for the most part the traditional puppet designs have changed little in the last 300 years.

Wayang kulit as seen from the shadow side
Historically, the performance consisted of shadows cast on a cotton screen and an oil lamp. Today, the source of light used in wayang performance in Java is most often a halogen electric light. Some modern forms of wayang such as Wayang Sandosa created in the Art Academy at Surakarta (STSI) has employed spotlights, colored lights and other innovations.
The handwork involved in making a wayang kulit figure that is suitable for a performance takes several weeks, with the artists working together in groups. They start from master models (typically on paper) which are traced out onto kulit (skin or parchment), providing the figures with an outline and with indications of any holes that will need to be cut (such as for the mouth or eyes). The figures are then smoothed, usually with a glass bottle, and primed. The structure is inspected and eventually the details are worked through. A further smoothing follows before individual painting, which is undertaken by yet another craftsman. Finally, the movable parts (upper arms, lower arms with hands and the associated sticks for manipulation) mounted on the body, which has a central staff by which it is held. A crew makes up to ten figures at a time, typically completing that number over the course of a week.
The painting of less expensive puppets is handled expediently with a spray technique, using templates, and with a different person handling each color. Less expensive puppets, often sold to children during performances, are sometimes made on cardboard instead of leather.

Halal bihalal - A famous humanist Dr Omar Khayam (late), said that the breakthrough acculturation Fitri tradition of Javanese culture and Islam. Wisdom of the scholars in Java is able to fuse the two cultures for the sake of harmony and prosperity. Lebaran tradition that eventually spread to all parts of Indonesia, and involving people from different faiths. To determine both the cultural acculturation, we first examine the global profile of Islamic culture. In Islamic countries in the Middle East and Asia (excluding Indonesia), after the Muslim Eid salat there is no tradition of shaking hands en masse to forgive each other. There is only a few people sporadically shook hands as a sign of intimacy.

According to guidance from the teachings of Islam, forgiveness is not set time after completing the Muslim fasting of Ramadan, but any time after a person was doing wrong to others, then he should immediately apologize to the person. Allah even more appreciative of someone who gives forgiveness to others (Qur'an Surah Ali Imran verse 134).

Culture sungkem
In Javanese culture, a person "sungkem" to older people is a laudable act. Sungkem degree of humility rather than symbols, but rather indicate the main behavior. Sungkem purpose, first, is as a symbol of respect, and secondly, as an apology, or "nyuwun ngapura". The term "ngapura" seems to derive from the Arabic "ghafura".

The scholars in Java seems to want to realize the true purpose of Ramadan fasting. In addition to increase faith and piety, also hoped that his sins in the past be forgiven by Allah SWT. Someone who feels sinned against God Almighty can directly ask forgiveness of Him. But, if all sins could be erased if he is still guilty to relax on the other he has not apologized to them?

Well, here's where the scholars had the idea, that on the day of Idul Fitri with that between one another to each of these errors to forgive each other, which was then carried out collectively in the form of lawful gatherings. So, called Idul Fitri day, because fasting has wide (finished), and his sins have been dissolved (removed).

From the description on the face can be understood, that follows the tradition of lawful gatherings during Idul Fitri is a blend of elements of Javanese culture and Islamic culture.

History halal bihalal
History of the origin there are several versions of lawful gatherings. According to a source close to the Palace of Surakarta, that the tradition of lawful gatherings initially pioneered by KGPAA Mangkunegara I, the famous Prince Sambernyawa. In order to save time, energy, thoughts, and cost, then after the Eid prayer meeting between the King with the leaders and soldiers simultaneously in the palace hall. All courtier and soldier with the orderly conduct sungkem to the king and the empress.

What was done by Prince Sambernyawa was later imitated by Islamic organizations, the term kosher gatherings. Then government agencies / private sector also held a lawful gatherings, which covers residents from different faiths.

Up to this point have been lawful gatherings serve as a meeting of all members of society. And with the event to forgive each other, the relationship between communities become more familiar and full of kinship.

Because kosher bihalal have a positive effect for the harmony and intimacy citizens, hence the tradition of lawful gatherings need to be preserved and developed. More on this lately in our country the social conflicts which often occur due to a conflict of interest.

Meaning of Eid
There are three notions of Idul Fitri. Among the scholars who interpret the Eid there with a return to chastity. This means that after a long train of Ramadan Muslims purify themselves physically and spiritually, and with the hope also of his sins forgiven by Allah SWT, then enter the Lebaran day, they have become sacred and unseen.

There is interpreted by returning to the Eid Fitr, or religious instincts. This is in accordance with the Qur'an Surah Al-Baqarah verse 183, that the purpose of fasting is for people who do become righteous or increased quality religiusitasnya.

Others interpret the Idul Fitri by returning to the state in which Muslims are allowed again to eat and drink during the day as usual. Among experts in Arabic, meaning it is considered the third best time.

Of the three meanings, we can conclude that in entering the Muslim Eid is expected to reach the inner and outer purity and increase the quality religiusitasnya. One characteristic of the religious man is to have concern for the fate of the miserable. In Surat Al-Ma'un paragraph 1 -3 mentioned, is a lie when someone claims of religion but does not care about the fate of orphans. The mention of orphans in this paragraph is a representation of the people are miserable.

Therefore, we could understand, that Muslims are obliged to give tithe to the poor, and giving alms at the latest before the implementation of Eid prayers. This rule is intended, so that when Muslims are capable of festive fun to celebrate Eid, lest any poor people are sad, or to cry, because nothing is eaten.

Harmonization of the religion of Islam strongly emphasize the relationship between the rich and the poor. Rich people are required to spend zakat mal (wealth), to be distributed to eight asnaf (group), among which are the poor.

From the description on the face can be concluded, that the Eid al-Fitr is the culmination of a method of mental education that lasted one month to realize the profile of a holy man physically and spiritually, have a diversity of high quality, and maintaining harmonious social relations

Halal bihalal - A famous humanist Dr Omar Khayam (late), said that the breakthrough acculturation Fitri tradition of Javanese culture and Islam. Wisdom of the scholars in Java is able to fuse the two cultures for the sake of harmony and prosperity. Lebaran tradition that eventually spread to all parts of Indonesia, and involving people from different faiths. To determine both the cultural acculturation, we first examine the global profile of Islamic culture. In Islamic countries in the Middle East and Asia (excluding Indonesia), after the Muslim Eid salat there is no tradition of shaking hands en masse to forgive each other. There is only a few people sporadically shook hands as a sign of intimacy.

According to guidance from the teachings of Islam, forgiveness is not set time after completing the Muslim fasting of Ramadan, but any time after a person was doing wrong to others, then he should immediately apologize to the person. Allah even more appreciative of someone who gives forgiveness to others (Qur'an Surah Ali Imran verse 134).

Culture sungkem
In Javanese culture, a person "sungkem" to older people is a laudable act. Sungkem degree of humility rather than symbols, but rather indicate the main behavior. Sungkem purpose, first, is as a symbol of respect, and secondly, as an apology, or "nyuwun ngapura". The term "ngapura" seems to derive from the Arabic "ghafura".

The scholars in Java seems to want to realize the true purpose of Ramadan fasting. In addition to increase faith and piety, also hoped that his sins in the past be forgiven by Allah SWT. Someone who feels sinned against God Almighty can directly ask forgiveness of Him. But, if all sins could be erased if he is still guilty to relax on the other he has not apologized to them?

Well, here's where the scholars had the idea, that on the day of Idul Fitri with that between one another to each of these errors to forgive each other, which was then carried out collectively in the form of lawful gatherings. So, called Idul Fitri day, because fasting has wide (finished), and his sins have been dissolved (removed).

From the description on the face can be understood, that follows the tradition of lawful gatherings during Idul Fitri is a blend of elements of Javanese culture and Islamic culture.

History halal bihalal
History of the origin there are several versions of lawful gatherings. According to a source close to the Palace of Surakarta, that the tradition of lawful gatherings initially pioneered by KGPAA Mangkunegara I, the famous Prince Sambernyawa. In order to save time, energy, thoughts, and cost, then after the Eid prayer meeting between the King with the leaders and soldiers simultaneously in the palace hall. All courtier and soldier with the orderly conduct sungkem to the king and the empress.

What was done by Prince Sambernyawa was later imitated by Islamic organizations, the term kosher gatherings. Then government agencies / private sector also held a lawful gatherings, which covers residents from different faiths.

Up to this point have been lawful gatherings serve as a meeting of all members of society. And with the event to forgive each other, the relationship between communities become more familiar and full of kinship.

Because kosher bihalal have a positive effect for the harmony and intimacy citizens, hence the tradition of lawful gatherings need to be preserved and developed. More on this lately in our country the social conflicts which often occur due to a conflict of interest.

Meaning of Eid
There are three notions of Idul Fitri. Among the scholars who interpret the Eid there with a return to chastity. This means that after a long train of Ramadan Muslims purify themselves physically and spiritually, and with the hope also of his sins forgiven by Allah SWT, then enter the Lebaran day, they have become sacred and unseen.

There is interpreted by returning to the Eid Fitr, or religious instincts. This is in accordance with the Qur'an Surah Al-Baqarah verse 183, that the purpose of fasting is for people who do become righteous or increased quality religiusitasnya.

Others interpret the Idul Fitri by returning to the state in which Muslims are allowed again to eat and drink during the day as usual. Among experts in Arabic, meaning it is considered the third best time.

Of the three meanings, we can conclude that in entering the Muslim Eid is expected to reach the inner and outer purity and increase the quality religiusitasnya. One characteristic of the religious man is to have concern for the fate of the miserable. In Surat Al-Ma'un paragraph 1 -3 mentioned, is a lie when someone claims of religion but does not care about the fate of orphans. The mention of orphans in this paragraph is a representation of the people are miserable.

Therefore, we could understand, that Muslims are obliged to give tithe to the poor, and giving alms at the latest before the implementation of Eid prayers. This rule is intended, so that when Muslims are capable of festive fun to celebrate Eid, lest any poor people are sad, or to cry, because nothing is eaten.

Harmonization of the religion of Islam strongly emphasize the relationship between the rich and the poor. Rich people are required to spend zakat mal (wealth), to be distributed to eight asnaf (group), among which are the poor.

From the description on the face can be concluded, that the Eid al-Fitr is the culmination of a method of mental education that lasted one month to realize the profile of a holy man physically and spiritually, have a diversity of high quality, and maintaining harmonious social relations

Kamis, 09 September 2010

lebaran (aidil fitri)

first i want say Happy Aidil fitri for all moslem in the world!
inner and outer apologize for my parent, my best friend and to all my blog reader!
in indonesia there are unique food called "KETUPAT".

Muslims in Indonesia to make the holiday Eid al-Fitr as a primary, a moment to regroup with family!

Selasa, 07 September 2010

Gili Trawangan!

There is no place which no people never visited than Gili Trawangan, because it’s likely a journey towards heaven. The landscape of Gili Trawangan, either undersea or surface, is very beautiful.

The local inhabitants take care the originality of the island lying at west of Lombok. Therefore motorcycles are prohibited in this area. Along the sandy pathway shifted the resident area to the beach, we only see footsteps, bicycle wheel, or delman.

Restaurant, shop souvenir, diving facilities, ten of cheap relative inn are spread over alongside this pathway. Afterwards, you may try to see the natural beauty of undersea landscape, and also two smaller other islands around Gili Trawangan, that is Gili Air and Gili Meno, which blue cobble that cannot be compared to Caribean sea and only be find in these places. In these places many of turtles can swim anywhere and without fear of divers.

Senin, 06 September 2010

Batik in Hollywood!

Javanese traditional batik, especially from Yogyakarta and Surakarta, has special meanings rooted to the Javanese conceptualization of the universe. Traditional colours include indigo, dark brown, and white, which represent the three major Hindu Gods (Brahmā, Visnu, and Śiva). This is related to the fact that natural dyes are most commonly available in indigo and brown. Certain patterns can only be worn by nobility; traditionally, wider stripes or wavy lines of greater width indicated higher rank. Consequently, during Javanese ceremonies, one could determine the royal lineage of a person by the cloth he or she was wearing.

Lake Toba (indonesia)

World famous is the crater Toba Lake in the Batak highlands; approximately five hours drive from Medan. Toba Lake is the largest lake in South East Asia and also one of the most spectacular, surrounded by tall mountains and with the large island of Samosir in the middle. If we descend from the mountain we see the lake glittering in all its beauty. The Dutch writer Rudy Kousbroek even called Toba Lake, 'the most beautiful place on earth'. Most visitors stay on the peninsula of Tuk Tuk on Samosir, named after the linguist Herman Neubronner van der Tuuk. In general people stay several days on Samosir to discover the island, to visit traditional Batak villages, to swim in the lake and go to the hot springs in Pangururan.

The centerpiece of North Sumatra, Lake Toba's bracing climate and magnificent panoramas clear the mind and soothe the soul. For decades a magnet from regional and foreign visitors alike, Toba has developed into a full-featured highland resort while retaining the rustic charm and relaxed ambiance that define Toba's attraction. Formed by a stupendous prehistoric volcanic explosion, the 100 km long lake is the largest in Southeast Asia and one of the deepest and the highest in the world. The drama of that cataclysmic birth persist in 500 meter cliffs dropping into the blue-green waters, surrounded by steep, pine covered sloped, the climate is fresh and pleasant, with just enough rain to support the lush vegetation.

Toba Lake is a 100kms x 30kms volcanic lake in North Sumatra, Indonesia. Toba Lake has become one of the main tourist attractions for a long time in North Sumatra apart from Bukit Lawang and Nias, visited by both domestic and foreign tourist.


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